The Lakes Weekly Bulletin is your bog standard local free ads paper. As long as you are privately selling, or just want to send a coded message to someone to let them know they can go ahead with the hit on your philandering spouse, and have a less than basic grasp of the concept of literacy, you can advertise anything for nothing.
I recently found myself with an excess of passport photos. Smith City knackered up the ones I asked them to do for the princely sum of $10, and the pro camera shop I went to charged me $25 for 8. Who in Gods name needs 8 passport photos at any one time? I have just renewed my passport, which meant I needed 2 passport photos for the first time in ten years. I will not need 2 more until I have to renew it once again in another ten years. By this rate I won't need to purchase any more until 2050, by which time I will either look nothing like the photos, or just be dead.
Anyhow, I decided to try and get rid of them. This is the ad, and some of the responses i got from it. Some raised a chuckle, some I replied to, some quite frankly scared me. My replies in red. And thanks to Joe Pasquale for the gag I shamelessly ripped off him.
19-01-2010 14:07
How are you looking for them photos
19-01-2010 14:22
Plenty left. They were proving quite popular so I had some more taken. 2 dollars each.
19-01-2010 15:35
Hi. How much for the passport photos and what colour hair have you got - need to know if u look like me.
19-01-2010 15:44
Hi. 2 dollars each. I have brown hair, but I also have a variety of different coloured crayons if the hair colour doesn't match yours.
19-01-2010 15:50
Sounds great but sadly don't reckon yellow over brown will make blonde. Best of luck though, i have a few mates with brown hair so i'll ask around for you :)
19-01-2010 16:27
Hello, i ve lost my passport and need a new one! I would like to use your fotos! How much is one foto? Cheers judith
19-01-2010 16:44
One would be 2 dollars, but you would need two for a passport. I would also suggest you cut your hair short and grow a beard.
19-01-2010 17:40
Hello, my name is Phil, I work full time in Queenstown. I do need passport photos and was wondering if we could schedule a time to meet about it.
19-01-2010 18:10
Hi Phil. They are 2 dollars each. If you let me know where you work I can just drop them in to you? They are already cut down to passport size.
19-01-2010 18:11
I'd like to see them first if that's okay
19-01-2010 18:25
Of course. I have some of me with a light blue background, and some of me with a white background. Which would you rather buy?
19-01-2010 18:26
I don't know, which colour accentuates your eyes better?
19-01-2010 18:31
The white background brings out the jaundiced yellowness and the bloodshot veins.
19-01-2010 18:33
I'm afraid that the blue might be a bit too fancy for me though. Maybe you can scan them both and send the samples to my email account?
19-01-2010 18:35
Nevermind, I'll just buy one of each.
19-01-2010 20:40
I'd love one of your passport pics for my own purposes. are you hot and male of english mother tongue?
19-01-2010 21:58
My tongue is English. My nose however is Iranian, my ears are Russian and I have German hair. Please, leave my mother out of this.
19-01-2010 22:11
What a mongrel! your mum must have got about a bit to have produced such a mixture.
20-01-2010 11:00
Coming from the girl desperate enough to trawl through a local rag looking for photos of guys for sexual gratification?
20-01-2010 12:23
I know. it's a tough life being a creepy wierdo looking for people to stalk. but what's a girl to do?
19-01-2010 21:15
Hi. I was wondering how much u would sell 1 of your photos for.
19-01-2010 21:53
I am willing to swap for an ironing board.
20-01-2010 00:09
I'm very interested in those passport much are we looking at? I only need 2also if that would work for you?
20-01-2010 11:41
Need to discuss these passport photos . Drinking tonight?
20-01-2010 11:54
Absolutely drinking tonight. But who the hell are you?
20-01-2010 12:07
Haha just saw your add. Is it black and white or colour photo.
20-01-2010 12:13
It's in colour with a choice of either a blue or white background. Demand has been high. Get them while they're hot.
20-01-2010 17:15
I need some photos.. Depends if ya good looking or ugly though. Don't want ten years of
20-01-2010 17:21
It's a passport photo. Generally if you look like the photo in your passport, you are way too ill to travel anyway.
20-01-2010 17:55
Hey mate, u hav jus saved me $20. Im In need of passport photos. R they free?
20-01-2010 18:03
2 dollars each. Or 3 for 10 dollars.
20-01-2010 19:53
Cool. R u on crack? Unless ur my twin mate,I hate 2 say ur stuck w/those other 6 photos. Cheers!
20-01-2010 19:57
Really need some passport photos, will u take 100bucks?
20-01-2010 20:15
95 and you have a deal.
20-01-2010 20:16
120, and wil u throw in some jandals?
20-01-2010 20:17
53 without jandals. They're for girls.
21-01-2010 14:28
I don't get it... Who would want photos of you for their passport?
21-01-2010 14:49
I don't get it...why would you waste time and text credit to ask that question to someone you don't know?
21-01-2010 14:51
Free credit, curiosity :)
21-01-2010 14:56
Boredom at work. Stupid ad entries. Stupid replies from Queenstowners.
21-01-2010 14:58
At least your creativity isn't going to waste. Work in an office i assume?
21-01-2010 15:00
No. And I have my moments.